We seek to empower young African entrepreneurs to start and manage their businesses through the provision of training courses and business development services, which are designed to upgrade their business management skills and facilitate access to bank finance.
ADI Business Development Services Limited (LADI BDS), a leading organization in Nigeria where entrepreneurs, organized private and the public sector are provided with capacity building, facilitations, advisory, technical and funding solutions.
We are a market driven response to the challenges of joblessness, unemployment and extreme poverty in Africa. In many African countries, graduates of tertiary institutions are finding it increasingly difficult to find full time work in the public and private sectors.
In those circumstances, engaging in entrepreneurial activity through the establishment of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) can be considered an alternative career path.
Here’s what to look forward to:
They helped me with my application for a buisness loan from the goverment and it was so smooth they kept me up to date with progress and chnages in regulation.
LADI Adviced and guided me with my NAFDAC Registration. I highly recommend them.